Monday 2 November 2015

3B Working hard...

Hi Guys,

I'm just starting this Blog to let you know what's been happening in year 3 lately. We have been learning lots of new and exciting things.

The children's favorite is probably computing where Mr. Oates has been teaching them lots of exciting lessons. One very important topic the children have looked at is E-Safety. The children made E-safety videos and also posters which can be seen on display in the year 3 corridor. Another topic being covered is 'We are Bug Fixers', where the children have been learning to fix bugs in programs on Scratch. It really is amazing how much they have achieved in such a short time. Mr. Oates has encouraged the kids to work cooperatively, giving them each particular jobs within their teams. We have everything from leaders to notetakers and timekeepers and everyone is taking responsibility for their learning here at DBS.
I will upload pictures later to show the kids work....Watch this space!!!!!

Mr. H